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Guest Post 34: Charles Herrick on Capa’s D-Day (t)

It’s been my unhappy experience to discover that the majority of first-person D-Day stories are to some degree inaccurate. Often this is because the individual experienced such a narrow view of the massive operation that he misinterpreted what he saw. In other cases, it is a result of fading memory or unintentional exaggeration. And then there are the cases in which people alter the facts to enhance their reports or their reputations. […]

Cabin Fever: Bits & Pieces 2022 (2)

If anything describes my condition at this juncture, and for some years back, there you have it: I stubbornly cling to a dying profession, or, more accurately, my own eccentric mélange of such — criticism, historianship, investigative journalism, informed cultural reportage. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (51)

However garbled we find Samuel Fuller’s version of what Capa told him, and no matter how far-fetched the specific detail of a “cocky German officer” seems, there’s no reason to doubt that the meeting between Capa and Fuller took place, nor that their conversation included an exchange about Capa’s D-Day experiences and the photographs he made that day. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (50)

In my opinion, da Cunha’s work constitutes not only an exemplary achievement in the context of the Capa D-Day investigation but a major contribution to the forensic analysis of photographic materials, one that sets a benchmark for future inquiries. […]

Harry Callahan Interview 2 (1971)

I just don’t know what makes a picture, really — the thing that makes it is something unique, as far as I can understand. Just like one guy can write a sentence and it’s beautiful and another guy can write it and it’s dead. What that difference is, I don’t know. […]