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Misha Gordin: Reflex of Freedom (2007)

Gordin refers to his approach as “conceptual photography,” though by this he obviously means something much different from the haphazardly made, often amateurish or deliberately casual imagery generated as documentation of performances by conceptual artists since the 1970s. Carefully planned and meticulously crafted, Gordin’s images are previsualized as sketches on paper, which he then stages for the production of the negatives necessary to actualize the imagined image. […]

Guest Post 35: Patrick Peccatte on Philippe Villéger Hypothesis (c)

It is from these two real observations that the story of “Bloody Omaha” was constructed and that it spread very soon after the landings: the most deadly beach overall and the shock of the first wave on certain sectors. It is by following the history of the construction of this narrative that we can understand how Capa’s famous photographs were received and interpreted, and where the (false) idea that they were taken during a terribly deadly assault, that of the first wave at Omaha Beach, came from. […]

Guest Post 35: Patrick Peccatte on Philippe Villéger Hypothesis (b)

[Back in August of 2021 Patrick Peccatte introduced me, via email, to Philippe Villéger. Villéger is a member of the informal collective devoted to annotating the historic WWII images of Normandy posted online at PhotosNormandie, another internet project to which Peccatte contributes. (For more about Peccatte, Villéger, and the PhotosNormandie project, see the details at […]

Guest Post 35: Patrick Peccatte on Philippe Villéger Hypothesis (a)

[Back in August of 2021 Patrick Peccatte introduced me, via email, to Philippe Villéger. Assiduous followers of this investigation will remember Peccatte, a specialist in photographs of Normandy, as the reader who, at his own his French-language blog Hypotheses, published a response to the Capa D-Day Project that sent it viral in France in summer […]

Jerry Uelsmann (1934-2022): A Farewell

Issued at that particular historical moment ([in 1967], “Post-Visualization” virtually guaranteed that Jerry Uelsmann would find himself in the eye of a storm for years to come; not only did it declare its author’s intent to serve as a spokesperson for the approach described therein, but it implied his willingness to have his work treated as a litmus test for the theory’s validity, an example of its application in practice. […]