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George Tice (1938-2025): A Farewell

Tice’s pictures sometimes include people, but their visible presence in the flesh is rarely central to his vision, which instead investigates a largely depopulated urban and rural environment, a set of physical structures rather than social interactions. To the extent that he concerns himself with the past and present inhabitants of these locales, he addresses them through what they have built there and the marks they have left behind, not through the activities and behaviors of the present-day citizenry. In that sense, his motive is more archaeological than sociological. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (54b)

In conjunction with the 80th anniversary of D-Day (and the 10th anniversary of the Capa D-Day project), several prominent U.S. websites published features that referred to our investigation and treated it respectfully, as a reliable source of information and a counterbalance to the prevailing myth. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (54a)

We can say with confidence that, as of now, anyone doing even cursory research on Capa’s D-Day photos will at least come across reference to our project. And anyone pushing further by seeking additional information will find direct links to the project itself. That in itself bodes well. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (53c)

This provides further evidence that all the incoming D-Day film from LIFE’s assigned photographers underwent stringent censorship before John Morris ever laid eye on it — the Occam’s-razor explanation for the missing first portion of Capa’s lone 35mm roll of Omaha Beach exposures. […]

Alternate History: Robert Capa on D-Day (53b)

This document proves that John Morris was fully aware of, and an active participant in, that SHAEF/MoI censorship system, which fact he conveniently failed to mention in all of his subsequent accounts of the fictional darkroom disaster that supposedly “ruined” Capa’s D-Day films. […]