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Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman

Guy Sorman. Role: Co-curator. Responsible for extracting the original set of prints for this tour from mainland China; available for lectures, panels, and symposia relating to Liu Xia and her work. Journalist, economist, columnist for City Journal and other periodicals, Sorman is one of France’s leading public intellectuals. He has often written in defense of free markets and the free society in Europe. As a columnist for the New York-based Project Syndicate, his work is published in more than 100 newspapers and magazines around the world. He also writes frequently for the op-ed page of The Wall Street Journal. Author of The Empire of Lies: The Truth about China in the Twenty-First Century (French edition 2008, English edition 2010), he has published over twenty books, several of which have been translated into English, including The New Wealth of Nations, The Genius of India, Rifaa’s Children, and 2009’s Economics Does Not Lie. To contact Guy Sorman re the availability of this show and related matters, click here.

A. D. Coleman. Role: Co-curator. Engaged by Guy Sorman during the New York showing in February 2012 to expand the exhibition (if possible) and handle the logistics of the tour, which he did through February 2013. He also designed and produced this website. Coleman has worked as an independent critic, historian, educator, and curator of photography since 1968. He has published 8 books and more than 2000 essays on photography and related subjects. Formerly a columnist for the Village Voice, the New York Times, and the New York Observer, Coleman has contributed to such periodicals as ARTnewsArt On Paper, and Technology Review. His website: Photocritic International.

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