Or have they all wandered into some of the many
branches and franchises of our international chain,
but neglected to capitalize our name? We think it's
the latter, and have restored the capitalization.
But you decide! Herewith a random selection of sentences
generated by a search for the words "The
Nearby Café" via our favorite
search engine, Google,
on October 11, 2001. The resulting collage, we believe,
gives an accurate portrayal of the subtle, diverse
pleasures and occasional high dramas of The Nearby
Café way of life.
- "Beckett Took the Student to a Nearby Café." Headline for a letter to the editor of the New York Times about a 1971 incident involving the late author Samuel Beckett, datelined January 12, 1990.
- "Take Aubele's advice and 'sleep until the bed kicks you out.' Then go to a Nearby Café ('there is always a Nearby Café in Buenos Aires,' he points out), and ask for the classic desayuno (breakfast): café con leche y tres medias lunas (B.A.-style café au lait with three crescent pastries)."
- "Toybox produced approximately 30 visual effects shots [for 20th-Century Fox's Fight Club], including a visually
compelling scene featuring a round sculpture
that breaks free from its pedestal and smashes
into a Nearby Café."
- "A Nearby Café
called Da Hawaiian Kitchen [on Route 55 in Shishikui-cho,
Nasa, Japan] came recommended that surprisingly
turned out to offer more than just good food
and friendly service."
- "At Stardust, were
also fascinated by the latest in 802.11 gadgetry
that lets us wander wirelessly down to a Nearby
Café, yet remain wirelessly tethered
not only to the Internet but to our own LAN.
But make that a Nearby Café, not
the café across town, or the train I
take on my way home at night."
- "I stopped at a
Nearby Café [in the Lithuanian
port city of Klaipeda] for pancakes and a local
draft beer."
- "Saunter over to
one of the delightful Nearby Café
barges [in Paris, France] for a drink and some
cool jazz."
- "Afterwards, we
get together for coffee, juice, muffins and
easy conversation at a Nearby Café
[in Toronto, Ontario, Canada]."
- "Walked to a Nearby
Café [in Paris, France] for a café
au lait and a croissant but couldn't seem to
communicate with the waiter and ended up with
a disappointingly American-like baguette instead."
- "Nearby Café
Luna (two bars, indoor and outdoor seating,
Italian menu, many gay customers) used to be
crowded until some time ago [in Bali]."
- "You'll soon catch
the scent of beignets from Nearby Café
du Monde [in New Orleans, Louisiana]."
- "Stuffing his luggages
in the van provided by the record label, he
[DJ Krush] ran to a Nearby Café
[in New York City] to get a breakfast to eat
it in the car while getting his first interview
of the day."
- "The price of a
phone call covers a filling meal at the Nearby
Café [in Baltimore, Maryland]."
- "And [the Impressionists']
sense of common purpose was cemented by meetings
in the Nearby Café Guerbois [in
Paris, France]."
- "They can't agree,
but mention of the cider of Normandy awakens
their thirst, and they adjourn to the Nearby
Café des Deux Magots [in Paris, France]."
- "At one point,
we have to decide whether to continue up the
trail along the side of the mountain or to detour
into a Nearby Café." (From
a "Dream Log.")
- "Missy, Ron, Angie,
and I walked to a Nearby Café
[in Tel Aviv, Israel] where several pieces of
Chicho's art are displayed."
- "The desk sergeant
[in Patterson, California], perhaps terrified
at the prospect of a confrontation with a villain
on the level of Dr. Octopus or the Joker [the
Zodiac Killer], had [Karen] Johns wait alone
in a Nearby Café for several hours
until her car could be returned."
- "The man who [Thomas]
Edison would share his frustrations with . .
. the man who owned and worked at this very
café (gesture to any Nearby Café),
was a man the country would later come to recognize
as its President. This [café in Greenwich
Village, New York City] used to be called the
Lincoln Café, named after its owner .
. . an honest man, with a love of European coffee,
named Abe."
- "In a Nearby
Café [in Buenos Aires, Argentina],
between mouthfuls of sweet, sticky croissants,
Dan confides that his grandmother was English."
- "Previously, only
freshmen living at Fluor Tower could use their
meal plans at Nearby Café '84
[at the University of Southern California in
Los Angeles]."
- "The Doctor [Doctor
Who] assumes that the girl's attention has been
drawn by Ace's anachronistic ghetto blaster;
he's more concerned with an unmarked black van
parked outside the school, and he remains to
examine it while Ace heads for the Nearby
Café to eat."
- "The man then entered
a Nearby Café [in Port Arthur, Australia], pulled his rifle from a tennis bag and began firing." (Our staff everywhere has since received training in protecting patrons, and Café marshals, inconspicuous in civilian clothing, now patrol all our venues. Maitre-d'.)
- "He runs what passes
for a gas station, Nearby Café
Alpha [in Yokohama, Japan], speaking with a
curious accent, somewhat bent over, and with
the widest face-distorting grin."
- "Upon discovering
that the Max Ernst exhibit at the Centre Pompidou
wouldn't open until the next day, Mel and I
repaired to Nearby Café Beaubourg
[in Paris, France] for coffee and a snack."
- "When the 18th
annual San Francisco Jewish Film Festival screens
at the UC Theatre in Berkeley, Saturday, July
25 to Thursday, July 30, audience members will
be able to meet at a Nearby Café
for a moderated discussion of the just-viewed
film. In some cases, the filmmaker will attend."
- "Jeremiah Henderson,
47, who was in a Nearby Café [in
Soho, central London, England], said: "The
building shook when we heard the explosion."
- "Afterwards we
will retire to a Nearby Café [in
Seattle, Washington] to revel in our creativity
and massage our brains."
- "I called the shuttle
in Otorhanga to let them know I was coming,
and went in the Nearby Café [in
Te Kuiti, New Zealand] for an ice-cream cone."
- "Zavalu Tazurkaev
ran to their rescue from the Nearby Café
[in Grozny, Chechnya] and he was also detained
by the camouflaged people. Zavalu Tazurkaev's
relative, who works at the same café,
ran for help to the nearby militia station."
- "Freshens up and
goes to the Nearby Café, where
he daily hangs out with his like-minded friends."
- "At Mr. [Samuel]
Beckett's friend's insistence, the agreed-upon
rendezvous was at a Nearby Café
whose out-of-doors tables stayed open all winter."
- "The children were
still at school and the woman who works with
me who has been with me for a very long time
ran to the Nearby Café [in Pretoria,
South Africa] with her friend to see where my
children were, to tell them that the cops were
- "Please be aware
that the break is too short to have a drink
at a Nearby Café [in Amsterdam,
The Netherlands]."
- "Get into the swing
of things by spending an afternoon at a Nearby
Café sipping a cup of café
au lait and reading the International Herald
- "They sprinted
to the relative cover of a Nearby Café,
continuing to laugh loudly as they bounded through
puddles and kicked water at each other."
(From a short story.)
- "Unable to worry
about that while hacking, they later went out
to a Nearby Café for a round of
java and somehow the name Java got suggested.
The language lawyers approved, and the rest
is history."
- "Join us for a
wine in the garden before you have an excellent
meal at the Nearby Café or bistro
bar [in Collingwood, New Zealand]."
- "To wash it down
we went into a Nearby Café [in
Rabat, Morocco] to have a coffee and at the
same time wrote some postcards."
- "We got a chance
to rest a bit and then headed out for lunch
at a Nearby Café [in Rome, Italy]."
- "You drop down
from a skyscraper to the city streets when BOOM!,
a fire shoots up in a Nearby Café
[in the video game Spiderman 2]."
- "While youre
surfing [the 'Net in Volcano Village, Hawaii],
a Nearby Café patron remarks to
his friend, 'I sure screwed up my ankle walking
on that lava.'"
- "[Western Bigfoot
Society] Board Member Doctor Sipe helped him
out. Dr. Sipe was good enough to buy breakfast
for us at a Nearby Café [in Willow
Creek, California] . . . waitress didnt
even know there was a museum opening across
the street."
- "Ruth Phillips,
39, who received cuts to her hands and feet,
ran to a Nearby Café [in London,
England] where she works."
- ". . . imagine
my surprise [!] to hear my name called at prize-giving
time. I returned from a Nearby Café
[in Cheddar, England] at about 14h59 purely
on the off-chance!"
- "The large traditional
office was closed and employees became 'mobile
workers,' working from a Digital telecenter
with non-territorial offices established in
a nearby warehouse, other Digital offices anywhere
in the United Kingdom, customers' offices, cars,
hotel lobbies and even a Nearby Café
in a supermarket [in Newmarket, England]."
- "It was much too
early to call my relatives, so I went to a Nearby
Café [in Havana, Cuba] for coffee."
- "Maria Amélia
dos Santos Paixxo stated that on the afternoon
of 29 November her son Marcos José, together
with a friend called Fernando, went to a Nearby
- ". . . on Kydatheneon
[in Athens, Greece] we are nearly run over by
a speeding motorcycle. Luckily there is a cop
at a Nearby Café who absentmindedly
blows his whistle at the offender, then continues
with his conversation and coffee."
- "The four then
took Milanovic to the Nearby Café "Pasaz," in the center of town [Belgrade, Serbia]. Ivanovic punched Milanovic several times along the way. When they arrived at "Pasaz," he was held there some twenty minutes." (We consider The Nearby Café indeed, any café anywhere an inviolable sanctuary, and express our outrage over this use of it. Maitre-d'.)
- "Adam [Gopnik],
the innocent abroad, proposes they adjourn to
the Nearby Café aux Deux Magots
[in Paris, France]."
- "He treated me
to an espresso at a Nearby Café
and then we headed to the Quirinale [in Rome,
Italy] for more sculpture."
- "As he walked to
a Nearby Café, he passed Father
William Roach, a well-known Catholic priest
in town, and Mike Mikeska, the head of the Texas
City Terminal Railway Co., which operated the
port [in Texas City, Texas]."
- "He then walked
into a Nearby Café and ordered a cup of coffee. Just as he started to take the first sip from his cup he heard a shout. Then a very strong presence. He quickly dashed out of the café, leaving behind some cash for the coffee." (From a short story. We note with appreciation this imaginary patron's remembering to pay his bill. Maitre-d'.)
- "Chris' uncle also
took us to a weekly motorcycle gathering at
a Nearby Café [in Stockholm]."
- "However, sitting
down to a couscous at a Nearby Café
[in Montreal, Quebec, Canada] immediately conjured
up memories of Paris. Well-dressed women, tall
and lean in their trench coats, hunched together
in conversation before stepping outside for
a cigarette. Trim men in fashionable sport jackets
read neatly folded newspapers."
- "John and Keith
are sitting in a Nearby Café [in
Kitzbühel, Austria] waiting for us."
- "Each morning [in
Toledo, Spain], we walked down four flights
of stairs, said our 'buenos dias' to the snaggle-toothed
landlady, and wedged ourselves onto stools in
the Nearby Café for cafés
au lait."
- "This afternoon
[in Minneapolis] I walked to a Nearby Café
where I often go to write."
- "We were very early
so we went to have 'a full English' breakfast
at a Nearby Café [in London, England]."
- "Our lunch was
arranged at a Nearby Café located
in the middle of an area of high-rise apartment
buildings [in Rostov-on-Don, Russia]."
- "Most of the group
headed off to a Nearby Café for
lunch [in Montalto di Castro, Italy]."
- "If anyones
up for it, feel free to lighten the mood with
a party in a Nearby Café [in Vladivostok, Russia]. Just stay away from the potato salad. It’s deadly." (Sorry about that. We've spoken to our staff there. It won't happen again. For the next six months, your potato-salad orders are on the house. Maitre-d'.)
- "Gently hanging
up the telephone, I used an open jar of Nutella
(the chocolaty narcotic that irascible art historians
can't resist . . . don't leave home without
it) to coax Kristanne out of the telephone booth
and into a Nearby Café [in Prague,
Czech Republic] where we could talk this whole
thing over."
- "A band playing
at a Nearby Café [in Paris, France]
blared Doors songs loud enough to echo through
the cemetery, while several 20-somethings crouched
by trees or graves nearby to smoke marijuana."
- "It felt like a considerable achievement to reach the bottom of the path and a Nearby Café [in Italy's Gran Paradiso National Park in the Alps] for tea and hot chocolate unscathed.'

All contents © copyright 1995-2007 by A. D. Coleman except as indicated. All rights reserved.