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Villa Florentine Artists' House & the Garden Variety Poetry Series

Just like the Riviera (except for the view . . . ) — A. D. Coleman, Prop.

The Derrière Garde Meets Pink Haitun, 2005!

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TDG and PH together 1 2 3

In June 2005, The Derrière Garde forged an alliance both professional and personal with the mysterious and beautiful Pink Haitun, a Hong Kong-based performance artist. Here are some images from their first actions. Further activities by this team will be reported here.

Above, left: Pink Haitun and The Derrière Garde visit the Shenzhen Art Gallery, China, June 30, 2005.

Above, right: Pink Haitun and The Derrière Garde cross Hong Kong harbor, July 6, 2005.

Left: Pink Haitun and The Derrière Garde inaugurate opening of painting show by a visiting Nordic artist, at the Shenzhen Fine Art Institute, Shenzhen, China, July 5, 2005.

(Note: The Derrière Garde is available to provide his vigilance and sage counsel at gallery and museum openings, art celebrations of various kinds, and other public events and private gatherings. To contact The Derrière Garde, email him at

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