On September 9th, Saga: the Journey of Arno Rafael Minkkinen, the mid-career retrospective of this distinguished Finnish-American photographer, will premiere at the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln, MA, where it will remain on view through early January of 2006 before embarking on an international tour that will run at least through 2010.
A sumptuous monograph (from Verve Editions and Chronicle Books) accompanies the show, with essays by physicist-novelist Alan Lightman, philosopher-art critic Arthur C. Danto, and myself, plus several texts from Minkkinen. |
As co-curator of the exhibition and co-editor of the book (both in collaboration with Todd Brandow) and as editorial coordinator for the book version, I'll of course attend its gala coming-out party.
The project also marks the public debut of a new non-profit organization whose Executive Board I've joined, the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography, which has organized this project. So there's much to celebrate. See you there, perhaps. |
My summer travel itinerary took me to Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China for three weeks in June and July, for an exploratory visit (my first ever). Signs of interest in my work emanating from there persuaded me to take a preliminary look. Having done so, I'm encouraged so much that I have plans afoot to lecture at several schools on the mainland and publish several of my books there in translation as well as to republish English-language editions of some of my out-of-print books. I'll return in October to pursue these matters further.
I'll take part in the Visiting Artist Program at Utah State University on September 26-27, giving a lecture and speaking to undergraduate and graduate classes Aside from that, no public appearances or travel scheduled for the remainder of 2005.
You'll find the texts of two complete essays of mine, previously unavailable online, in this issue's Writings & Publications: "Erasure and Obscuration: The Photographs of Laurence Demaison," the foreword to this photographer's 2002 monograph, and "Going to the Many: Bill Armstrong's 'Apparitions,'" the text of the catalogue essay for a fall 2005 exhibition in New York City by this New York-based photographer.
Henceforth, the essays I post here will remain on the Writings & Publications menu until I post a new issue and replace them, at which point they'll move permanently to the Photography Criticism CyberArchive, available thereafter to that repository's subscribers. A small selection of my texts will stay semi-permanently on the Writings & Publications menu here, along with links to other work of mine that appears elsewhere on the web.
For your convenience, we've set up an online store through which you can order my books, with a shopping cart, secure credit-card transactions, and other e-commerce frills.
This section of C: the Speed of Light contains brief synopses of recent, current, and upcoming projects and activities related to my work as a critic, historian, teacher, lecturer, and internet publisher.